Jewellery cleaning tips to ensure maximum sparkle…
Jewellery cleaning tips to ensure maximum sparkle…
Razzle Dazzle®
A little care and attention can go a long way when looking after your jewellery, as jewellery may lose its shine and lustre over time; this month we have put together some top tips on cleaning and care advice for your jewellery which will help to keep Pearls pristine, Diamonds dazzling, Gemstones glittering, and your Gold and Silver shining. Our very aptly named Razzle Dazzle® jewellery cleaner is a wonderful helper in keeping your jewellery looking its very best.
Pearl Jewellery Cleaning and Care
Because Pearls are porous ideally you should not get them wet. When applying makeup, hair products or perfume do so first before putting on your Pearls. When you have finished wearing them use a soft lint free cloth to gently wipe any residue from them, and return them to their own box for safe keeping, as they are relatively soft and can be scratched or damaged by other jewellery. Pearls should be restrung as soon as their silk shows signs of deterioration, we usually recommend an annual restring to ensure they last as long as possible before losing their lustre and “dying”. If the silk becomes stretched, grey or worn then your pearls are going to be at risk of damage or even loss. Pearls should be strung with a special double knot in between to prevent them rubbing against one another and so wear away the surround of the fragile area around the drill holes which then hastens their demise.
Keeping Diamonds Dazzling
Diamonds are very hard and so are unlikely to become damaged or scratched, although this can happen if care is not taken. Diamonds adhere to grease, so will actively attract residues. Simply clean them in warm soapy water with a soft brush or with Razzle Dazzle® jewellery cleaner to remove greasy build up. Ultrasonic or steam jewellery cleaning are also options, but a professional should always carry either of these out as it is possible to cause damage if done without due care and attention. Never store your rings up against one another as Diamonds will scratch other Diamonds, and also all other Gemstones and all Precious Metals too!
Keep your Gemstones Glittering:
Sapphires, Rubies, Topaz, Citrine, Garnet, Rose Quartz and Amethyst will all clean well in warm soapy water, or as with Diamonds Razzle Dazzle® jewellery cleaner, which may be applied using a soft brush or cloth to remove all residues and leave the Gemstones sparkling and showing their true beauty once again.
Emeralds are fragile, brittle stones and as such a gentle polish with a soft cloth is recommended to avoid damage. Ultrasonic machine use or jewellery dips are not recommended for Emerald jewellery.
Tanzanite is a relatively soft stone, only as hard as Opal, and as such should be treated with great care. A soft cloth and very little cleaning should be carried out, as damage can occur if treated harshly. To preserve the beauty of your rare Tanzanite jewellery I recommend it is used as dress jewellery as the facets will become worn and dull if worn whilst carrying out everyday tasks such as washing up or gardening. The same advice is given for Turquoise, Opal, Mother of Pearl, Malachite, Amber, Moonstone and Lapis Lazuli as all of these are relatively soft gemstones whose shine may be lost if dipped or polished harshly.
Give Gold and Silver a shine:
Gold and Silver will all tarnish (oxidise), and as such cleaning is required to keep these items looking fresh and sparkling. There are many Gold and Silver cleaning products on the market including impregnated cloths and dips. Do read the instructions carefully, as some can actually remove plating and leave you will base metal underneath, whilst some will subsequently hasten the tarnishing after you have dipped them. We recommend a soft cloth and Razzle Dazzle® jewellery cleaner, which is usually all that is required to maintain the lustre of these metals. Heavier deposits on Silver may well require professional cleaning and polishing to remove the tarnish. Sometimes this oxidation can be quite damaging, leaving pits in the surface of the metal, requiring proper polishing to regain the lustre. White gold tends to be Rhodium Plated to give it a very bright, white appearance and it is a relatively inexpensive process to have your jewellery re-plated and polished as new when this plating has worn off due to wear and tear or even polishing.
Polish Platinum:
Platinum is a relatively inert metal which means it hardly oxidises so a soft cloth and a polish with Razzle Dazzle® jewellery cleaner is usually all that we would recommend. However, Platinum can become dull and scratched over a period of time and then we recommend a professional clean and polish which will restore your Platinum to its former glory.
Prevent a lost stone and a broken heart:
Ring Claws are the settings which often hold the precious gemstones and Diamonds in place on your jewellery. It is well worth having these professionally checked at least annually so as to ensure that they have not been knocked or become worn, as the saying goes “A stitch in time…”. The first sign of claws catching or pulling on your clothes is the alert that all is not well, and that your ring requires quite urgent attention. It is similar to having a car; you need to service and maintain your jewellery well in order to ensure that it lasts and continues to give you joy for the future years.
Any jewellery you may purchase from Heidi Kjeldsen Ltd comes complete with a complementary lifetime checking and jewellery cleaning service, but if you have jewellery that you would like checking or valuing please do arrange an appointment for us to evaluate your collection.