Valuing Fine Jewellery
Valuing Fine Jewellery
My advice to you regarding this thorny issue is to keep all Fine Jewellery recorded, and to do this by having an up to date NAJ (National Association of Jewellers) Independent Jewellery Valuation done by our Valuer who is also a Fellow of the NAJ and an expert in her field.
I offer this service to my clients here.
It is especially important if the item is of high value as this value may vary enormously over time. Also, if the worst happens, perhaps you lose a Diamond, crack an Emerald or lose the item completely, then you are in a position to replace the item with a similar piece. This is why jewellery is an asset and it can hold its replacement value if looked after for the long term. By valuing and adequately insuring your jewellery you will ensure that your assets remain assets for future generations. The sentimental aspect cannot of course be covered by insurance, but I know from experience that the loss is far worse if you have no cover in place.
People say to me “It’s not worth paying the insurance!” I totally disagree. To me it really is worthwhile. Personally, I pay several thousand pounds to insure the shop and over the years it has proved invaluable and has definitely been worth it for my peace of mind. Each month a client visits me in the shop having had their jewellery stolen, lost or damaged and often they have not taken adequate insurance. Sometimes they are relying on out of date valuations and are so underinsured that their insurance company takes the view that they were not diligent in safeguarding their assets and refuses to pay anything at all. Arguments and stress are the end result when it could all have been be avoided with a little care and advice.
I employ a Independent Valuer from the Institute Of Registered Valuers (IRV’s), a Fellow of the of the NAJ (National Association of Jewellers), who assesses the jewellery on site in my showroom in Oakham. Please book an appointment to leave your jewellery with us, confident in the knowledge that it is fully insured whilst with us and in safe hands. When the valuation is complete, you will receive a beautiful portfolio with photographs and a detailed assessment and replacement valuation of the item/s. This portfolio will help you enormously in the event of any claim.