Becoming a greener business
Becoming a greener business
We recycle our customers’ Gold, upon request, into bangles and other pieces of jewellery, and wherever possible we recommend recycling jewellery or upcycling it, thereby enhancing its value and desirability for future generations to come. Customers commissioning a bespoke piece of Heidi Kjeldsen Jewellery are asked to consider recycling their existing pieces as part of the process.
We offer the use of Fair-Trade Gold, which may be more costly, but is increasingly popular especially with our custom-made wedding bands or memorial rings. We use recycled, refined Gold and Platinum in our jewellery.
Heidi Kjeldsen Limited only uses Gemstone and Diamond dealers who are highly regarded and trusted within the Jewellery trade. The care of the miners, cutters, customers and all their associated staff are paramount to Heidi Kjeldsen Limited. Please refer to our Terms of Sale, specifically point 10 for further details: Terms of Sale and Supply – Heidi Kjeldsen
Heidi Kjeldsen Limited uses recyclable and reusable packaging. We seek to avoid or minimise the use of materials that generate waste by using the principles of Reduce, Recover, Reuse and Recycle, and we operate stringent recycling procedures for the waste we produce. We recycle product in our workshop and dispose of hazard chemicals appropriately. Only LED lighting is used inside our showroom.