What are the birthstones for each month?
You can find the different birthstones here: January - Garnet, Tsavorite, Rose Quartz February - Amethyst March - Aquamarine, Sphene and Bloodstone April - Diamond May...
Grete Introducing Grete, featuring lustrous pearls with unique deep hues, each piece in the collection is designed to highlight the natural beauty and mysterious allure of...
FAQs Frequently Asked Questions Do you clean jewellery? Yes, we offer a free cleaning and checking service. All you need to do is arrange an appointment...
Nanna Nanna, inspired by vibrant green hues of nature, showcasing Peridot, this collection offers timeless elegance and a touch of nature's splendour. Nanna Peridot and Sterling...
22nd Anniversary Gifts
The colours of Spinel vary from the brightest red to deepest black. Earrings, pendants and rings are a lovely gift for this anniversary.
Silver Cufflinks
Silver Cufflinks Contemporary and stylish, our silver cufflinks are enamelled or plain, to suit your individual style. Home>Search results for 'spinel' Show FiltersHide Filters Generic selectors...
Trine Collection
Trine Collection Discover the playful, fresh, and colourful Trine. A collection of vibrant bubbles, Trine is overflowing with modern, fun designs. Home>Search results for 'spinel' Show...
Nanna Collection
Nanna Collection Discover the fresh, uplifting, and joyful Nanna collection that is full of vibrant and captivating jewellery that will brighten your day. Home>Search results for...
Silver Pendants
Silver Pendants Our silver pendants are contemporary and their clean stylish lines reflect our style. Home>Search results for 'spinel' Show FiltersHide Filters Generic selectors Exact matches...
Gemstone Pendants
Gemstone Pendants Our Gemstone pendants add a glorious pop of colour and are a delight. Home>Search results for 'spinel' Show FiltersHide Filters Generic selectors Exact matches...
Diamond Pendants
Diamond Pendants Beautiful, sparkling Diamond pendants add that touch of style for all occasions. Home>Search results for 'spinel' Show FiltersHide Filters Generic selectors Exact matches only...
Grete Collection
Grete Collection Discover the elegance of our Grete collection, a beautiful mix of lustrous black and grey pearls, Grete is epitome of sophistication. Home>Search results for...
Gemstone Rings
Gemstone Rings Showcasing precious or semi-precious gemstones in a variety of designs and styles. These rings are cherished for their vibrant colours and their unique expression...
Anniversary Jewellery List
1ST ANNIVERSARY: GOLD A simple gold bracelet or bangle is perfect for a first anniversary gift or perhaps gold earrings or cufflinks, engraved with initials or...